RGB MusicLab
RGB MusicLab is application software download free Mac that reads RGB (Red, Green and Blue) value of pixels from an image and converts it to a chromatic scale sound. The length of a note depends on brightness of the pixel. For example, a gray pixel has harmony of three notes and its length is center C. The program can create various kinds of musical scale scores and MIDI files.
The resulting music might not be a carefully orchestrated concerto, but it can make for interesting listening. We tried loading a couple of photos into the program and were surprised by the results--a photo of some tropical flowers yielded a dynamic Broadway-musicalesque number while a picture of a cityscape sounded like a soothing melody.
The resulting MIDI file can be converted to a mosaic image by "Drag & Drop" on the program's Mona Lisa document icon. The MIDI can also be played on a MIDI music player like GarageBand 4. There are two Panpot selections. The left one keeps same panpot values of each RGB score from the beginning to the end. The right one changes the Panpot setting by a pitch tone. A lower note panpot is left and a higher note is right.